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Become a SABON EXPRESS Franchise Owner

Teacher Doing Online Class

Step 1

Learn about Sabon Express

Check our Social Media pages: 

  • Facebook
  • YouTube

Learn about our products, meet our team, see our stores, and read about our customer experience.

Woman on Her Smart Phone

Step 2

Contact Us

Feel free to call, write, or send us a message and we're happy to answer your questions.


You can currently contact us by sending a message to our Facebook Page:





Step 3

Meet with our Franchising Team

Our team will be scheduling a franchise opportunity meeting to discuss details about the process, our packages, and more.

School Application

Step 4

Finalize Agreement

Our franchise representatives will facilitate our agreement.

Business Professionals Shaking Hands

Step 5

Contract Signing

Signing of contract to seal the deal and begin the process of your own Sabon Express Store!

Image by benjamin lehman

Step 6

Store site preparation

The Sabon Express team will prepare your store.

Open Sign

Step 7

Open your Sabon Express store

Congratulations! You are now a new franchise owner.

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